Thursday, May 30, 2013


Today marked the end of my 4th week of work...whaaaaaa?!
Time is fa-lying. And I and having fun. :]
Work has been such a rewarding experience. I don't talk enough about it...
I work with the kindest and most fun people in DC I think.  I have been able to work on projects that are aimed at our annual meeting in Atlanta at the end of the summer. We are preparing for the events that will be held there including the Golf and Tennis Tournament, Donor Reception, and "The Classic." I attend a lot of meetings and soak up all the info.  This week I got to attend one of ASAE's special events called, In Honor of Women. They had a luncheon and gave awards to outstanding women working in the associations industry. Many of them noted how there hero's were there mothers.  This made me reflect on the value of mothers and how I am infinitely grateful for my own mother.
Work combined with my briefing class are making for quite the learning experience. Tomorrow is another day full of briefings and I could not be more excited.  It is one in the morning so I might have a minimal amount of delusional excitement...but in any case they are great. 
2 New Favorite Things In America:
1. To the men who play the tuba, horn, saxophone, and trombone outside of the metro station on my way to work...I LOVE YOU. This morning they were playing Onward Christian Soldiers, and yesterday it was some Jason Mraz song. It made my day. One part of this city I will always remember and be grateful for.
2. Tonight we went to a movie in the park. Those are always refreshing and a blast. On our way home we played ninja on the metro the whole way home. It was another one of my favorite moments in time. I love the people I am here with.  We are all semi-adults that enjoy good solid fun and all have the same strange appreciation for and desire to eat ice cream EVERYDAY. I bet you can guess what we did next...ICE CREAM STOP.
Lastly...The Quoteables
These are some of my favorite quotes from lectures I have attended, etc.
"We all know we're in the last days but that does not mean it has to be the worst days."
"There is no excuse to not connect with all sorts of people...Be a connector!"
"No one likes a dull person. The on way to not be dull is to be informed. The way to be informed is to read."
~Omar Kader
"You have to have confidence in life. Learn to deal with these worries. You owe more to others and you owe more to yourself."
~Omar Kader
"Stage your life and stage it well."
~Omar Kader
"Problems are not road blocks."
"The Curtain is up, you are on! Don't live life like it is a dress rehearsal."
"Everyday is a opportunity."
"Ordinary people who faithfully, diligently, and consistently do simple things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results."
~ Elder David A. Bednar

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